Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

50 years after the movement against the war in Vietnam reached its peak, students explore that movement - and consider why we don't have a more powerful anti-war movement today.


Many Americans believe that immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, are more likely to commit crimes than people born in the U.S. In fact, crime rates among immigrants are much lower than among native-born Americans. 

In this activity, students work in small groups to analyze charts containing...

This lesson invites students to examine the history of laws about people seeking asylum in the U.S. Students will consider who should be allowed to gain asylum today and how their cases should be treated.

Does the U.S. political system live up to the principle of one person, one vote? In this lesson, students explore arguments about whether the Electoral College and the U.S. Senate might hinder the quest for fair, democratic representation. 

Are protesters justified in confronting political officials while they are eating out at restaurants or engaging in other personal activities? After reading about three such protests, students consider the arguments for and against such tactics.

The holiday invites exploration of everything from American history to gratitude.

Four tips from Morningside Center Staff Developer Amy Fabrikant on how to create a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students, and all students, going forward.

After another deadly shooting, how can we help young people and adults process the news and find comfort?

Students share their thoughts and feelings in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, view and discuss a video about hate crimes, and hear the voices of religious and community leaders who are standing up against hate. 

By examining and discussing text, tweets, and images, students consider why a caravan of people are leaving their homes in Central America and heading north.