Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

In this lesson, students will reflect on the value of knowing American history, practice their research and writing skills, and learn more about the abolitionist Frederick Douglass.   

This lesson explores how, historically and today, love combined with nonviolent action has helped people fight injustice and work towards what Dr. King referred to as "the beloved community."  

Questions loom over whether President Donald Trump can avoid conflicts between his business interests and the interest of the people he represents. In two readings and discussion, students consider how past presidents have tried to prevent conflicts of interest, how Trump has addressed this concern...

Students learn about and consider arguments for and against the appointment of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos through a quick quiz, student reading, small group work and discussion.  

Students explore why it is important for people to be able to tell their own stories and relate that to Black History Month.    

Collected lessons for teaching Black History Month, primarily for high school and middle school.  

Students explore two forms of nonviolent protest, strikes and boycotts, using as case studies the strike by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance and the #DeleteUber campaign, both in response to an immigration ban imposed by President Trump.  

Students learn about and discuss the U.S.'s existing policy for vetting refugees and what happened to refugees after President Trump signed an executive order temporarily suspending the U.S. refugee program.  

This lesson explores Trump's immigration ban and the protests and other actions that followed using photos, tweets, and headlines.   

Through roleplays and small group work, students consider erroneous claims about immigration and learn facts to counter them.