Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Three short student readings provide background on the sharing economy and its critics and examine the pros and cons of Airbnb and Uber. Questions for discussion follow.  

Some facts and questions about how much many Americans buy and waste over the holidays - and how we feel about it.   

In the wake of recent anti-Muslim attacks by Trump and others, students read and discuss profiles of diverse Muslim Americans, consider how they may be feeling about recent events, and read a letter to "Non-Muslim Allies" about ways to stand up for those who are being targeted.   

Students learn about the historic global climate agreement reached in Paris on December 12, 2015, and consider different reactions to it.  

This activity is part of the Anti-Defamation League's Table Talk series, which provides conversation starters, questions, and resources for parents to talk with their children about current events.   

Students discuss the definition of fascism and consider charges from the left and right that GOP candidate Donald Trump's stances are fascist.   

Through readings, video and discussion, students learn about the Paris climate conference, underlying issues, and popular efforts to address climate change.  

Students learn about and discuss what is at stake at the Paris Climate Summit and consider the growing international movement for action on climate change.   

This activity uses tweets to help cultivate caring and compassion in the wake of terrorist attacks on Paris and elsewhere.  Please also see these general guidelines for discussing these upsetting events.   

These guidelines may help you in conducting discussions with students who  may be upset about the Paris attacks.