Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

The shooting in Colorado Springs is on the minds of many young people - and adults. How can we create space for students to reflect on such upsetting news? 

Students discuss evidence that meat production contributes to climate change, explore efforts to make food systems more sustainable, and share their own consumption choices.

Students learn about the demonstrations that have spread across Iran demanding women's rights and discuss how they relate to what is happening in other parts of the world, including the U.S.

An unusual hurricane season opens up an exploration of the climate crisis and steps toward climate justice. 

Air travel is becoming one of the worst contributors to climate change. In this activity, students read about and discuss the impact of air travel on the climate crisis and what we should do about it - personally and as a society.

If you're looking to honor Labor Day and working people in your classroom, consider these lessons from our collection. 

How should educators acknowledge the anniversary of September 11th and educate students about the events of that day and their impact? 

This lesson for middle and high school students is intended to offer joy and inspiration, and the opportunity to be in community with peers. 

After a spate of school shootings in the U.S., students examine the evidence and consider: What works to reduce gun violence in schools?

Students use signs from the protests following the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs ruling as a taking off place for discussion and dialogue on the overturning of Roe v. Wade.