Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Students explore the goals of the growing Free Trade movement and consider some criticisms of it.  

Students learn about Women's History Month and International Women's Day, consider people who have had an impact on them and what makes a leader, and learn about some women who have made a difference in the world.

In small and large group discussion, students explore recent developments in Ukraine and the people power movement EuroMaidan as well as other people power movements. 

Students read President Johnson's March 1964 speech to Congress outlining the War on Poverty and, in small groups, use a graphic organizer to explore how values of justice and equity were translated into policies and programs. They consider: What beliefs led to declaring a war on poverty? And what...

Is organic food healthier than non-organic food? Who grows organic food - and how? Students explore these questions in two readings, with discussions questions and a research assignment. 

Students explore life in the immense Jordanian refugee camp of Za’atari by viewing and analyzing photos and consider the U.S. response to the Syrian refugee crisis.  

Students learn more about Michael Sam's coming out, consider what it means to come out, develop their own opinions about this athlete's decision and write a persuasive essay about it.

Students choose one of nine past Olympics controversies to research in small groups and share what they've learned with the class.

Students explore the origins of Black History Month and consider where we stand today in creating a more inclusionary history in classrooms across the country.     

The life and music of folksinger Pete Seeger, who died on January 27, 2014, provides a teachable moment on activism, music, and on nearly every major social movement over the past century.  In this lesson, students learn about his life, read and hear songs from three social movements Seeger was a...