Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Students consider facts, myths and perspectives about Thanksgiving Day, including Native American perspectives.   

Students explore the growing trend of prison privatization and concerns about youth imprisonment.

In this Circle activity, students consider what "bullying" means, learn about the controversy over bullying in the Miami Dolphins, respond to a variety of statements about this controversy, and consider how we can stand up to bullying. 

Students learn about the Nobel Peace Prize and the 2013 winner, learn about and discuss the controversy over this year's prize, and make their own nominations for the 2014 prize.

Students learn about the Affordable Care Act and the debates surrounding it; read and consider different points of view about the legislation; consider their own point of view in small group discussion, and consider taking action on the issue.

Students learn about the demographics and experiences of fast food workers and their efforts to raise wages through strikes over the past year, and consider what consequences major wage increases might have on consumers and economy. 

Students think about the idea of "home" and what it means to be a refugee, learn about the refugee crisis in Syria, and hear the voices of Syrian refugees. 

Students learn more about the current conflict in Syria, and consider different points of view about how the U.S. should respond.  

In the wake of the much publicized birth of a new royal prince in Britain, this lesson explores the history of British monarchy and the debate about whether to end it.  

Our age-appropriate classroom lessons and activities for grades K-12 aim to deepen your students' understanding of September 11 and develop their critical thinking skills. The guide, written by Morningside Center executive director Tom Roderick, also includes recommended books and other teaching...