Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

A substantive reader and activity guide on chemical, biological & nuclear weapons

Readings and activities encourage students to explore the chain's amazing success and the controversy surrounding its policies in the U.S. and abroad.

An opening activity, four student readings, and a set of teaching strategies on the complex and interrelated energy and environmental problems facing the U.S.

Excerpts from the Senate Intelligence Committee report on faulty intelligence on Iraq begin this set of readings and assignments. Help your high school students hone their own critical thinking skills as they explore what went wrong in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

Three student readings explore the Israeli/Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem, tensions between the US and Israel over the issue, and how it affects US relations with Arab nations and people.

Students will: consider different natural disasters look at events in Japan since the massive earthquake on March 11, 2011 read and discuss quotes from Japanese people and others about the disaster make cranes and create messages for the people of Japan

After viewing a short video clip, students consider the effect all our waste has on the environment and develop a 'reduce, reuse, recyle' action plan.

With the help of a short video clip, students explore the 'life cycle' of a plastic bag and develop a 'reduce, reuse, recycle' action plan.

Through three readings, students examine U.S. joblessness and hunger as well as the country's huge deficit, then consider conflicting views on how to address these problems. Discussion questions and suggestions for further inquiry and citizenship projects follow.

A student reading explores the debate over the agency's "enhanced interrogation techniques." Instructions for how to formulate questions for a student inquiry follow.