Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

One student reading traces the orgins of the Voting Rights Act; a second discusses the recent Supreme Court decision limiting the Act's scope when it comes to drawing voter district lines.

As millions of people lose their jobs, food banks are scrambling to meet the need. A student reading is followed by some suggestions for how students might help.

Two student readings examine the Bush administration's detention of 'enemy combatants' and how the new administration is handling the issue

A student reading focuses on the housing boom and bust, why AIG foundered and why taxpayers are propping it up. Discussion questions and a suggested fish bowl discussion follow.

Student readings offer an overview of the defense budget and the Pentagon; explore the issues surrounding production of the F22; and discuss the military-industrial-congressional complex. Discussion questions follow. The accompanying DBQ exercise is described below.

In this Document-Based Question exercise, students consider and write an essay about competing views on defense spending.


A summary of Schell's essay describing the interconnected crises we face and their commonalities is followed by suggestions for discussion, inquiry, critical thinking and writing.

Student readings and discussion questions address the the origins and impact of the economic crisis and President Obama's recovery plan.

How can teachers help their students understand and take action on problems stemming from the economic crisis? We propose a process for encouraging active student citizenship.

Through two readings and class discussion, students think critically about the effect of corporate campaign donations on our political system and consider efforts to reform campaign finance.