Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

The 2006 mid-term elections present an excellent opportunity to examine some major issues related to voting in the U.S. Three students readings are followed by suggestions for further student inquiry, reform proposals, and possible citizenship activities.

Active citizenship involves more than voting. Here, a few activist organizations are briefly profiled for students; questions and other suggested classroom activities follow.

Terrorism and its relationship to the Iraq war is the most potent issue in the 2006 elections. A student reading presents Republican and Democratic opinions on the subject, as well as those of U.S. intelligence agencies.

This November, young voters went to the polls in the largest numbers in 20 years. A student reading is followed by discussion questions.

A brief summary of recent criminal investigations of corporations and their leaders, with special attention to Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.

An overview of interlocking energy issues: The growing demand for oil and its effect on U.S. foreign policy; global warming and the need to reduce oil consumption; and the renewed push for nuclear energy and alternative energy sources.

Student readings explore the Chernobyl meltdown 20 years ago and the pros and cons of nuclear power; discussion questions and suggestions for further inquiry follow.

Grassroots organizations of Katrina survivors want a voice in deciding the future of the Gulf Coast after the hurricane. Here, a reading on the rebuilding debate followed by suggestions for continuing inquiry and discussion.

Two student readings offer an overview of the problems and what is being done about them. Included are suggestions for independent and small-group inquiry projects and information about opportunities for volunteer work.

Three student readings describe the government's system of classifying documents and Bush's attitudes and policies toward the press and the flow of information.