
A lively game demonstrates how disparate interest groups, with their money and clout, can influence a candidate's platform and viability.

This election has raised many questions about the role of money in our political system. One student reading focuses on "bundling" and how it encourages corruption. Another considers the need for reform, detailing one proposal now before Congress. Discussion questions, subjects for inquiry, and...

Four 45-minute lessons engage students in considering what qualities they might look for in a political candidate; how to get information about candidates; and how they and the adults in their lives decide whom to vote for.

How do you pick a candidate? Statements from four candidates on major issues are followed by discussion questions, an exercise on recognizing factual statements and opinions, and suggestions for student inquiry.

The role of religion in politics has become a controversial 2008 election issue. Following an introductory quiz, three student readings address the Constitution and the founders on religion, presidential candidates' speeches on faith and politics, and the appropriateness of religious questions...

Student readings explore the complex relationship between the U.S. & Iraq. Students will consider many views, including those of the leading presidential candidates.

A student questionnaire, two readings, and discussion questions explore media coverage of the 2008 election, including The Project for Excellence in Journalism's finding that almost two-thirds of coverage is devoted to the campaign's horse race aspects.

Three readings help students consider the president's "war on terror" strategy, statements by Bush's critics, and what constitutes torture. Discussion questions and other student activities follow.

A student reading reviews major steps in the campaign process and such issues as the money race, fairness, and problems with the new voting machines. Suggested discussion questions and other activities follow.

This inquiry activity invites students to explore the central role of money in the 2008 election.