
Students learn about and discuss the president's power to name leaders within the executive branch of government and consider two of president-elect Trump's most controversial appointments: Jeff Sessions for Attorney General and Steve Bannon for chief strategist and senior counselor.   

Through small-group activities, students learn about and discuss acts of solidarity and mutual support in the wake of the presidential election.  

What are sanctuary cities, and why are they girding for conflict in the wake of Trump’s election? Students explore the concept of "sanctuary" and learn about efforts by advocates to defend undocumented immigrants.   

Students learn about opposition to past waves of U.S. immigrants and consider Donald Trump's immigration stance in light of that history.  

In this activity students think about ways to be kind, and create a wall or bulletin board of art and writing to remind each other of the power of kindness and how everyday actions can make a difference in the world.   

This activity aims to help students create a classroom and school community that is safe, welcoming and supportive, despite some turmoil in the outside world.   

In this activity, students share their feelings about the election, have a listening circle, and then participate in a community-building activity.     

The 2016 election has caused anxiety among many students, as well as a surge in bullying and harassment in many schools. We provide suggestions for supporting students and strengthening your classroom community in these challenging times.  

Students consider the history of "dog-whistle" politics and whether the current campaign season marks a break from the past practice by making racial references overt.   

This activity has students step into the shoes of voters whose views they may not agree with - and roleplay a dialogue.