
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz's plans to speak at a Bronx high school were scrapped after students there wrote a letter to their principal describing how Cruz's views were "actively working to harm us, our community, and the people we love."  In this brief activity, students learn about this...

In some states, voters have stood in line for hours to cast their ballot. Why? In this short Teachable Instant activity, students explore the controversy over voter suppression in the 2016 election.  

Do superdelegates subvert democracy? This brief activity includes quizzes, background and discussion on the controversy over superdelegates in the 2016 presidential election.   

Students learn some basic tax terminology, explore different candidates' tax plans, and take a short quiz on taxes.  

In this brief Teachable Instant lesson, students learn about and discuss Justice Scalia's stances and the controversy over replacing him on the high court.  

Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign has reopened discussion about what would it take to get truly universal healthcare in the U.S. This lesson, which includes two student readings and discussion questions, examines the debate over Sanders' proposal for a "single-payer" national healthcare system...

Students learn about how much coverage the media are providing to different presidential candidates and discuss why coverage of the candidates varies so widely.  

In the wake of recent anti-Muslim attacks by Trump and others, students read and discuss profiles of diverse Muslim Americans, consider how they may be feeling about recent events, and read a letter to "Non-Muslim Allies" about ways to stand up for those who are being targeted.   

Students discuss the definition of fascism and consider charges from the left and right that GOP candidate Donald Trump's stances are fascist.   

What is 'democratic socialism'? Bernie Sanders' presidential bid is raising a question many Americans have never considered. In two readings, students explore Sanders' version of socialism and learn some background about democratic socialism in Europe and the U.S.