
Students view a clip from Colbert's Comedy Central show about his Super PAC, then read and discuss several views on the role of Colbert's spoof of the election process.

Students understand the caucus election process by experiencing it firsthand in their classroom - and learn more about 2012 Republican presidential candidates along the way.

  Through two readings and class discussion, students think critically about the effect of corporate campaign donations on our political system and consider efforts to reform campaign finance.

Presidential Election 2004 Series

Presidential Election 2004 Series

Two student readings describe the origin of the gerrymander, its likely effects following the 2010 elections, and efforts to reform redistricting systems. Discussion questions and suggestions for further student inquiry and citizenship follow.

This 20-page PDF booklet includes lively classroom activities to get students thinking, learning and talking. Grades K-1, grades 2-5, grades 4-8, and grades 6-12.

Language used at some McCain/Palin rallies has raised questions about racial bias in the 2008 presidential election. A student reading is followed by discussion questions and a student activity.

A student reading provides brief samples of the opposing views of Senators McCain and Obama on five major issues--the economy, Iraq, healthcare, schools and energy--and is followed by suggestions for student inquiry and a class exercise.

In their first debate, Senators McCain and Obama discussed their views on policy toward Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Three student readings offer excerpts from the candidates and commentary on them. Discussion questions follow