Lesson Collections

A collection of classroom activities to explore the life, ideas, and strategies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A collection of community building activities, SEL Tips, games, and lessons on self-care to get your year off to a good start.  

The year is coming to a close! Here are some activities & tips to consider for the final weeks of school.

Nineteen classroom activities and guidelines to help you and your students get your virtual school year off to a good start.

The holiday invites exploration of everything from American history to gratitude.

Collected lessons for teaching Black History Month, primarily for high school and middle school.

Collected lessons for teaching Black History Month, primarily for high school and middle school.  

Our lessons and guidelines on Michael Brown and Eric Garner have been used in schools across the country. Here they are, all in one place.

In this brief activity, students share their thoughts and feelings about the grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer who killed unarmed black teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. 

Our guidelines for talking with children about sensitive issues and suggestions for countering anti-Muslim or anti-Arab bias may be helpful in the wake of the Boston Marathon attack.