Rethinking Discipline Policies in School

This video encourages us to rethink discipline policies in school to break the school to prison pipeline and be more equitable in our response to student (mis)behavior. 


Focus: Implementation of Restorative Discipline
Time: 4:56
Who & Where: Teacher’s Unite, New York City
Grade Level: Pre-K-12

Description: The video outlines what Restorative Practices look like in schools—what they are and what they are not, and what resources are needed to implement RP with integrity.  The educators in the video debunk some of the myths that exist around RP.  They want to ensure “these reforms are done right” and call for “greater investment in public education and Restorative Justice and divestment from police in schools.” “We must commit to this transformation in our schools as we fight for a world with justice for all and a world without racism or any form of oppression.”  #InvestInSchoolsNotPolice