Dear Morningside Center friends,
For 40 years, we have been working in schools to foster “social and emotional learning” – everything from building empathy to resolving conflict. We also work to increase racial equity and create culturally affirming learning environments to ensure that every child feels seen and heard at school.
Now, political forces in our country are moving to ban this work and bully those who do it. We are feeling the effects of this effort directly. Yes, this is happening in New York, not just Texas and Florida.
But we are undeterred. Because if ever there was a time for encouraging empathy, fighting racism, building gender justice, and cultivating a sense of care and belonging in schools, it is now. Morningside Center is doing our part to build a multiracial democracy – but we cannot do it without YOU.
I am in awe that so many of you have stood by our side to support our work. I am writing now to ask you to renew your support as we carry on in the face of political opposition. Please do it on behalf of the thousands and thousands of young people and educators we reach every year.
Why is Morningside’s work so important? I want to share with you a story from Morningside staff developer Dionne Grayman.
Earlier this year, Dionne was in the principal’s office at a school she works with. She noticed that the student sitting beside her was in great distress. Dionne asked her if there was anything she could do.
Out poured a heartbreaking story.
The student said that her aunt had died from Covid at the beginning of the pandemic, and that her three cousins had come to live with her family. Then, a few months later, they all had to move into a shelter, where they stayed for most of the quarantine. Yet, the girl told Dionne, she had come to virtual school almost every day – without any adult in the school knowing of her situation.
Over the months that followed, Dionne worked with staff to institute monthly community-building events, social and emotional learning workshops for adults, and listening circles for when communications broke down and harm happened. Tensions at the school began to ease, and spirits began to rise. And, as I am sure you know, that is when real learning can happen!
Across the country, young people and adults are coming to school carrying heavy loads of grief, stress, and anxiety. Student meltdowns abound, as trauma translates into yelling, fighting, and self-harm. Teachers and other school staff are worn out and at wit’s end.
Every day, Morningside staff witness this evidence of trauma. One student told a Morningside staff member, “Miss, we got abandonment issues. No one listens to us.”
Every day, we provide relief – training, coaching, inspiration, and encouragement – to those who need it most. One teacher told us recently that our training had “a profound influence on all of us.” Another offered, “Thank you for making me feel proud even of my smallest achievements.”
I want to thank you for standing with young people, educators, and Morningside Center in these challenging times.
With warm wishes and deep gratitude,
Cassie Schwerner
P.S. In case you missed it, here are links to our recent article in Education Week and our latest annual report.