Three student readings explore background on Guantanamo, the use of presidential power, the legal and physical treatment of detainees, and the facility's future. Discussion questions and other suggested activities follow.
Two student readings consider the controversy over charges that the U.S. is sending terrorism suspects to other countries where they are held in secret prisons and sometimes tortured. Discussion questions follow.
Three student readings offer a case study of what happened to one mentally ill prisoner; a summary of a critical report on America's prisons; and some additional facts and figures. Discussion questions, a writing assignment, subjects for further inquiry and suggestions for citizenship activities...
Three student readings open up new avenues for discussion and inquiry. A concluding activity proposes student inquiry into arguments for and against capital punishment through internet investigation and a "constructive controversy."
A brief summary of recent criminal investigations of corporations and their leaders, with special attention to Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.