SEL and RP
Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices
Segue from the summer into the new school year by having students consider the summer's news, its impact on their communities, and what kind of impact they'd like to have in their communities.
How can we foster a classroom climate where every student feels supported - and where we can talk about the issues that are upsetting us? Here are some ideas.
Watch students brainstorm problems in their classroom and come up with solutions as part of a 4Rs lesson.
Watch third-grade students role-play "I-messages" - and learn how they are different from "you-messages."
This simple process gives young people—and adults—a chance to express their feelings about events of the day.
This video encourages us to rethink discipline policies in school to break the school to prison pipeline and be more equitable in our response to student (mis)behavior.
Gratitude can reduce stress and reshape the brain. Here are two steps for practicing it.
This video outlines three tiers of Restorative Practices: 1. Community and relationship building, 2. Community and relationship repair and conflict resolution, 3. Reintegration after a removal or other kind of absence.