SEL and RP

Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices

Students work individually to create a "cultural banner" expressing values, traditions, and activities important in their families.

Working in small groups, students categorize coping strategies as positive, negative, neutral, and time-out behaviors.

Students interview and learn about one another.

In a talk at the recent Educators to Stop the War Conference, ESR Metro executive director Tom Roderick reflects on the creativity of teachers during these trying times.

Uses a student role play to help young people consider the choices of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and passivity.

These two classroom practices give your students time and space to reflect on and discuss their thoughts and feelings.

Students consider stereotypes, beginning with stereotypes of "teenagers."

Uses puppets to introduce young children to the concept of escalating and deescalating conflict.

An experienced classroom teacher offers two 10-minute activities she has found useful in building community in her classroom, particularly at the start of the school year.

Students reflect on a time when they were angry. They describe the ways people communicate and physically react when they have strong feelings and consider what choices we can make when we are angry.