SEL and RP

Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices

Encourages students to consider the effect of "put-downs" and to think about how to express "put-ups."

In these two fun classroom activities, students practice sending and receiving messages and consider what communication is.

After two puppets discuss how a bully at their school, youngsters analyze what they've seen and consider how to respond to the bully.

Students discuss their own experiences of helping others, then view and discuss a brief video about Japanese children who are working together to help their community in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami.

This usually happy season may also bring up negative feelings for some students--perhaps because of family tensions or divisions, health problems or financial stress. It's important to take this into consideration as we talk about the holidays in the classroom. This classroom activity is aimed at...

This two-part lesson for grades 5-8 is aimed at increasing students' understanding of homophobia. The first part focuses on personal experiences of our differences; the second part focuses on what students can do to make their classroom and school safe for everyone.

In the wake of the suicides of six gay teens who had been bullied or cyberbullied, this lesson helps high school students consider the issue of cyberbullying and how we can make cyberspace -- and all space -- safe for everyone, including LGBTQ students.

Three student readings consider a new study by Physicians for Human Rights of the Bush administration's use of health professionals to monitor "enhanced" interrogations, reactions to the issue, and historical examples of medical experimentation. Discussion questions and suggestions for other...

Three student readings examine the story of this British resident,who was recently released after being held by the U.S. for seven years as a suspected terrorist. Discussion questions, a proposed fish bowl discussion, and suggested subjects for further inquiry and for writing and citizenship follow.

Nine techniques teachers can use to encourage constructive interaction among students using small groups.