SEL and RP

Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices

This lesson has young people explore how we can use music to care for ourselves during times of stress - and share music they find calming with their peers. 

Invite young young people to enjoy and reflect on a video recitation of the uplifting poem Sometimes. 

Music can be healing, uplifting, and calming for both adults and children. This lesson has young people experience how we can use music to care for ourselves during times of stress. 

Music can be healing, uplifting, and calming for both adults and children. This lesson has young people experience how we can use music to care for ourselves during times of stress. 

Get students moving and and enjoying each other with one of these fun activities. 

This collection of light, fun activities invite you and your students to come together and enjoy each other’s company during these stressful times, and take a break from more serious classwork.

This activity, aimed at caregivers and their middle or high-schoolers, provides a student-driven process for young people to think flexibly and creatively about their opportunities for learning during this period, formulate ideas, and follow through on them. 

A poem, a free-writing exercise, and class sharing can provide support for middle and high school students during this difficult period.

A yoga activity and a story about change and loss can provide support for students in grades 3-5.

Sharing feelings and discussing a story about change and loss can provide support for preK-2 students during this difficult period.