“Motivational Monday” with Miss Polite

In her first Motivational Monday video, "Finishing Strong," Morningside Center staff developer Angela Polite gives us some warm and invigorating encouragement at the end of an extremely challenging school year.

We invite you to get some inspiration on this Monday from Angela Polite, a Morningside Center staff developer. She is also an actress and playwright and an adjunct professor at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. 
"As a country, we are continuing to live through a global health crisis and we are also grappling with how to heal the dis-ease of systemic racism," says Miss Polite. "These two things coupled together have made for a season of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, and a loss of hope. It is my sincere hope that this platform will be a source of inspiration and motivation. I want to help replenish some of the hope that has been lost and help us find a path forward.”
In her first "Motivational Monday” video, Miss Polite gives us some warm and invigorating encouragement at the end of an extremely challenging school year. Says Miss Polite:  “Finishing Strong doesn’t mean you got everything right or that you even feel like a winner. But, what it does mean is that you are willing to endure.” 

Find out more about Miss Polite here. 


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