Exploring “Power Over” and “Power With”

This activity explores the ideas of “power over” and “power with” using a brainstorm and journaling.

The word power in yellow, circled, against a turquoise background

Create a brainstorm cloud chart with the word “power” in the middle. Then invite students to share, or take turns jotting down on the chart, words or phrases they associate with the word, “power.” 

Share out their contributions, noting common words used or ideas presented. Then explain that power in itself is not inherently negative. There’s a difference between “power over” and “power with.” 

Break down the distinction as “power over” means one person or group makes decisions that affect others and “power with” means a group of people make decisions that affect all. Provide some examples of “power over”: adults setting rules for young people or codes of conduct at school based on fear of breaking rules and punishment. Provide some examples of “power with”: solving problems together and engaging in community service. This type of power is based on relationship-building through collaboration and trust.

Invite students to journal about instances when they’ve witnessed or felt “power over” in their lives at home or at school. How did this make them feel? Then invite them to journal about instances they’ve witnessed or felt “power with” in their lives at home or at school. How did this make them feel? 

After students have completed journaling, invite them to share as much or as little as they feel comfortable sharing about their experiences with power.

Finally, as a whole class, co-create a list of ways to exercise “power with” more in the classroom community and school community at large.

Thank students for sharing.