Active listening is a skill that takes practice. Specific protocols will help students learn to use it well and sustained use in various settings will teach students how to move forward when they are confronted with academic, social and emotional challenges. These videos will get you started.
The listening exchanges below can be used on their own or along with Games to Nourish Community. For more on how to combine the two, check out Mini Lessons to Nourish Community.
Lesson 1: Good and Poor Listening | |
Invite students to think about how they feel when someone really listens. Then create a chart together, with a list of “What we say and do when we are listening well.” Remind students to do these things when it is their turn to listen. Regular review and conversation will make these practices automatic Protocol for Listening Exchanges:
Read more: Good and Poor Listening | |
Lesson 2: The Value of Equal Turns & Confidentiality | |
Try to use a bit more time than you did last time around - maybe 2.5 minutes per person.
Read more: The value of equal turns & confidentiality | |
Lesson 3: Making Space for Emotions | |
If listening exchanges are happening regularly, and with fidelity, there will be enough space for students to begin to really share their emotions.
If someone begins to get upset about something during an exchange, we want to continue to listen, and give them that space. Try to steer students toward expressing how they feel about something, not about the details of the situation. This is worth breaking down with students regularly. Everyone gets caught up in the gossip of “he said, she said,” etc. But underlying these details are pent-up emotions triggered by the events. When we create space for the feelings, not the details, and connect to other times the speaker has felt this way, then healing begins and the tension in the present situation is diffused. Read more: Making space for emotions | |
Lesson 4: Working with Anger | |
It's useful to have students to participate in listening exchanges about anger when no one is angry. This will give students the opportunity to explore what makes them angry, what makes them feel that way, and identify where it comes from.
You may find it useful to look at our lessons on I-Messages and sharing anger triggers to use as part of these conversations. Read more: Triggers, working with anger | |
Lesson 5: Listening Exchanges for the Long Run | |
If used regularly, these equal listening exchanges will support the social and emotional learning as well as cognitive development and academic skill building.