Focus: Restorative Conference to Repair Harm and Make Things Right
Time: 28:31 min
Who & Where: National Conflict Resolution Center, San Diego
Grade Level: High School
The facilitators take the participants in the conference through a process that addresses a situation that involved name-calling/slurs in the run up to a physical fight between two young men. Family, friends and allies are in the space to share impact and perspectives, as people take responsibility for their actions, learn from the experience, and pledge support to prevent similar situations from happening going forward.
An action plan is created that focuses on making things as right as possible and accountability. The plan is broken in to four parts:
a) what the young men can do for each other,
b) what the young men can do for the school community to give back in a positive way,
c) how to build stronger relationships with family for support, and
d) what do the young men need individually to successfully complete this action plan, make amends and move forward.