Focus: Restorative Practices to Address the School to Prison Pipeline and Disproportionality in School
Time: 5:46 min
Who & Where: Teachers Unite (Oakland and New York City)
Grade Level: pre-K-12
Tags: RP Video Library, Restorative Mindset Videos
This is the trailer for Growing Fairness, a short documentary film about "growing" restorative … practices in New York City and Oakland public schools. Often, passionate educators lead these cultural shifts in schools. Growing Fairness examines the historical and political context for their resistance against the norm. Educators and students talk about replacing zero tolerance punitive practices with “practices to address interpersonal harm and building justice for communities.” “The starting point is that you’re in a community. … . and when something happens in that community, that breaks down, or something goes wrong in that community that there should be an opportunity for that to be restored.” “It’s also about saying: we can’t throw anybody away.”