Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

  In this interactive workshop, students explore what escalates and deescalates conflict, consider nonviolent action as an assertive response to conflict, and learn about Occupy Wall Street's use of nonviolence as a strategy.

Two student readings and discussion questions probe the history of the War Powers Act of 1973 and the current controversy over whether President Obama's deployment of U.S. forces to Libya violates that law.

A resource unit for high school students on deficits, taxes, and the "military-industrial-Congressional complex"

Students develop skills and understandings to make them more critical readers, listeners and viewers.

In this time of war, a rich set of readings and activities on the history and power of peaceful resistance.

Includes a number of quotes from scientists about global warming, information on what is being done about it, and a suggested approach to launching a student project.

Readings and activities to help high school students better understand the growing gap between rich and poor and consider the issue in light of this year's presidential election. 

People from both sides of the political spectrum agree that the spread of nuclear weapons is the greatest threat we face. What do we do about it? These readings and activities help students explore the options.

A meaty overview and suggestions for study to help students broaden their knowledge of Islam's past and present, and the U.S.'s role.

Nuclear weapons have been in the news recently. Three student readings provide context and explore the U.S.-India deal and the controversy over Iran's nuclear program.