Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

A reading followed by an inquiry exercise invites student scrutiny of four different estimates of Iraqi civilian deaths.

A student reading discusses the dangers faced by organizations providing humanitarian aid in Lebanon, Congo, Darfur, Sri Lanka, and Gaza. Discussion questions, suggestions for further inquiry and citizenship activities follow.


The Torture Issue (with a DBQ) A student reading includes examples of U.S. treatment of prisoners as revealed in investigations and excerpts from the Geneva Convention and UN Convention Against Torture. A DBQ (document-based question) includes diverse points of view on the efficacy and morality of...

The UN's 60th birthday on October 24 offers an opportunity for students to learn about the organization's history and to consider some problems it faces.

One student reading explores the new document, which Iraqis will vote up or down on October 15; another presents information on everyday life in Iraq. A Document-Based Question (DBQ) has students consider different perspectives on the state of Iraq today.

Iraq, with its newly elected government, faces new opportunities and problems. We provide two readings for high school students. The first provides a capsule overview of Iraq; the second summarizes major problems that face the country now. Discussion questions and suggestions for student activities...

A brief compilation of websites offering opinion, analysis, news and other material helpful in promoting inquiry in your classroom.

This document-based question exercise uses quotes from journalists about the challenges of reporting from Iraq as the basis for a student essay and discussion.

A document-based question exercise and reading on the difficulty of assessing Iraqi civilian casualties.

Readings and discussion questions explore such topics as what it means to be "embedded" and how the media covered the pulling down of Saddam Hussein's statue and the attack on Fallujah.