Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

The important and often controversial historian and social movement activist Howard Zinn died on January 27. A student reading about the man and his ideas is followed by discussion questions and suggestions for further inquiry and citizenship.

A student quiz, reading and discussion explore the court's role in interpreting the Constitution and its recent decision to lift limits on corporate & union election ad spending.

Help your students learn about the earthquake and Haiti's history, and brainstorm about how they can help Haitians now and in the long run.

Students learn about the earthquake and Haiti's history, and brainstorm about how they can help Haitians now and in the long run.

Through engaging activities, video, and small-group discussion, students consider the Montgomery Bus Boycott and how they might stand up against injustice in their own lives.

Two student readings explore the controversy over the use of remotely-piloted aircraft to drop bombs in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war. Discussion questions, a fish bowl activity and a writing assignment follow.

A classroom activity has students simulate a US Senate filibuster. Two student readings then explore the Senate's less-than-democratic 60-vote rule and possible methods for reforming it. Discussion questions, writing and citizenship activities follow.

Three student readings and discussion questions probe current conditions in Iraq and the U.S.'s moral responsibilities there.


Two student readings and a document-based question exercise focus on the Obama administration's recent decision to try Guantanamo suspects in civilian and military courts.

Student readings consider President Obama's adoption of three Bush administration policies that Obama had previously opposed: extraordinary rendition, the state secrets privilege, and habeas corpus. Discussion questions, inquiry subjects, and a student essay assignment follow.