Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Students consider our 10% unemployment rate from a numerical, social and emotional perspective, including through photos from the Great Depression.

Marieke van Woerkom uses an engaging game with M&Ms to help students see how insurance works and to touch off discussion on the current reform debate.

A student reading excerpts the president's speech; the second raises a battery of questions to stimulate further inquiry and critical thinking on a vital presidential decision.

Two student readings focus on the reasons for rising gas prices as well as the true social and environmental costs of oil, with discussion questions and an internet inquiry.

Three student readings examine the controversial UN report charging both Israel and Palestinians with war crimes in the 2008 Gaza War.


Students consider their views about Iraq and reflect on one young Iraqi refugee's view of the U.S.

Four student readings explore the sensitive and controversial issues of race, interracial sex and interracial marriage--including the Jefferson-Hemings relationship and Michelle Barack's ancestry.

Alan Shapiro provides background for teachers on the 'standoff' between the Muslim world and the West through an overview of the new book by Middle East scholar Juan Cole.

A student reading includes the president's statement on receiving the prize, an excerpt from the Nobel Committee's announcement, and a sampling of reactions to the award. Discussion questions follow.

The December 2009 conference presents an opportunity for students to consider some key issues facing our planet.