Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Student readings examine the president's plan and the responses of critics and commentators. Discussion questions follow, as well as suggestions for engaging students' family members in a dialogue about the issue.

The 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's arrival in Manhattan make September 2009 a teachable month. A student reading describes Hudson's 1609 voyage, relations with native people, and aftermath. Discussion questions and inquiry suggestions follow, along with information on web and museum resources.

Educator Marieke van Woerkom provides timeless guidelines for opening up discussion on difficult issues--like the current economic recession--with your elementary and middle school students. Also included: links to resources on the economic crisis to inform the class discussion.

Alan Shapiro offers two readings to help high school students consider the impact of rising unemployment and continuing foreclosures. Discussion questions and suggestions for inquiry, writing, and citizenship follow.

A document-based question exercise has students examine differing views on what motivates terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists.


In three student readings and activities, Alan Shapiro invites students to consider the behavior of people in bureaucracies, including the health insurance industry, finance, and the military.

Teaching students these strategies to deal with problems that come up with friends can help create a more peaceable classroom.

The court's recent ruling on the right of schools to conduct drug searches leaves some questions unanswered. Two readings, discussion questions and suggestions for inquiry help students consider the issue.

A reading outlines the new Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act and provides information about teenage smoking and its effects. A writing assignment, discussion questions and subjects for further inquiry follow

Three student readings provide an overview of recent events in Iran and outline that country's post-World War II relationship with the U.S. Discussion questions and suggestions for further inquiries follow.