Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

Student readings explore the debate over Sotomayor, her background, and controversial cases. Discussion questions, a case study and writing assignments follow.

In a recent speech, the president discussed his views of controversial anti-terrorist policies. Three student readings include excerpts from the speech followed by critiques from multiple perspectives, discussion questions and inquiry ideas.

An introduction and two student readings discuss the president's view of the Afghanistan/Pakistan connection and what he thinks must be done in both countries. A companion Document-Based Question (DBQ) exercise asks students to consider and write about competing views of the president's strategy.

What fueled the housing boom and the bust that followed? Who was hurt? Who benefited? Two student readings explore the issues.

Student readings include excerpts from a memo and an ad attacking Obama's reform plan as well as a description of that plan. Discussion questions call for critical thinking about language, factual, and substantive issues.

Student readings review the origins of the AK-47, the 10-year federal ban on assault weapons, President Obama's views on guns, and the NRA's political clout. Discussion questions and an inquiry-oriented plan for "constructive controversy" follow.

What is organic food exactly? Student activities include two readings, a quiz, a writing assignment and suggestions for further inquiry.

Student readings address the chief issues in today's reform efforts, obstacles to reform, and critical views of mainstream school reform. Discussion questions and suggestions for student inquiries and writing follow.

A student reading includes excerpts from recently released memos on 'interrogation techniques' approved by the Bush administration; a second reading quotes President Obama's statement on the issue. Discussion questions and writing and citizenship activities follow.

Student readings describe the scientific controversy over "tipping points," the Obama-Biden energy program, and plans to green the Empire State Building. Following the readings are suggestions for student-led green initiatives for Earth Day - or any other day.