
Questions loom over whether President Donald Trump can avoid conflicts between his business interests and the interest of the people he represents. In two readings and discussion, students consider how past presidents have tried to prevent conflicts of interest, how Trump has addressed this concern...

Students learn about and consider arguments for and against the appointment of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos through a quick quiz, student reading, small group work and discussion.  

This lesson explores Trump's immigration ban and the protests and other actions that followed using photos, tweets, and headlines.   

Students learn and talk about Trump’s immigration ban and the reaction to it, and discuss the stories of people who have been directly affected.   

While the internet can be an excellent source of news, it is also an excellent source of lies. Here are six tips to help students tell the difference.  

Students hear and discuss excerpts from President Trump's inaugural speech, and discuss the Women's March on Washington and its sister marches across the world.  

Students learn and discuss Donald Trump's nominee for Attorney General, his background, and what happened at his confirmation hearing.    

Donald Trump has said that climate change is a "hoax." His appointee for Secretary of State is a former Exxon Mobil executive who now says he believes climate change is a serious threat. In two readings and in discussion, students explore what the Trump administration might mean for climate change...

Students share their own experiences of bias or harassment, learn about efforts to combat the targeting of Muslim students at one school, and consider what actions they might take to counter anti-Muslim bias and harassment. 

What is the Electoral College, and why does it decide who is president? Students learn about and discuss the pros and cons of the Electoral College system and current campaigns to reform or circumvent it.