SEL and RP
Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices
This video shows the various stages of a restorative conference between two young men, their families, friends, and other community members to address a situation of harm doing—Part 1: Dialogue: opening introductions, establishing guidelines, responsible youth incident summary, person harmed shares...
This video shows a restorative conversation between a student and her ELA teacher to address an incident a few weeks earlier that escalated to the point of the student leaving the classroom.
This video discusses and shows the steps of a Restorative Pre-Conference (separately) with participants on different sides of an incident in which harm was done. The pre-conference aims to get participants comfortable and familiar (enough) with the conference to be willing and able to participate...
RP Video Library: This video shows a powerful Welcome and Reentry Circle that welcomes a student back to school after an absence. The circle is implemented with fidelity, according to the key restorative circle components found at our Introduction to Circles.
We can help our students (and ourselves) calm down, focus, and respond constructively to stress by practicing deep, focused breathing.
RP Video Library: This video shows a peer facilitated restorative circle to problem solve around lateness in school. The Circle is implemented with fidelity, according to the key restorative circle components found at our introduction to circles.
RP Video Library: This video shows the power of an effectively teacher facilitated circle to build community and address issues. The circle is implemented with fidelity, according to the key restorative circle components found at our introduction to circles.
RP Video Library: This video shows the power of an effectively student facilitated restorative circle to build community through storytelling. The circle is implemented with fidelity, according to the key restorative circle components found at our introduction to circles.
RP Video Library: In this video, administration, staff and students talk about the school’s transition from punitive practices to restorative practices and how the shift in mindset and practice impacted relationships at the school and school culture overall.
RP Video Library: In this video, administration and school staff talk about what restorative practices are, why we use restorative practices and what they look like implemented holistically in a school.