SEL and RP

Classroom activities that encourage students' social and emotional learning and promote restorative practices

Students examine how feelings are expressed in a poem, and then use metaphor to write about their own feelings.

Students work in small groups to create a group "machine."

Nine all-purpose guidelines to keep in mind.

Suggestions for guiding students through a class project on an issue they care about--including a student activity that shines a light on group process.

There's no escaping it: Teaching is a political act.

An inquiry approach to reading a poem focuses not on text questions but on student questions.

These small-group discussions can help students grapple with tough and emotional issues.

These two processes offer us an opportunity to think rigorously without polarization and to embrace contradictions that normally divide us.

In a group and one-on-one, students consider their similarities and differences and see that it's okay to talk about diversity.

By spending a little informal time each week with a student not from their class, a teacher mentor can play an important role in a young person's life.