September 11
How should educators acknowledge the anniversary of September 11th and educate students about the events of that day and their impact?
How can educators acknowledge the anniversary of September 11th and educate students about the events of that day and their impact? We offer some perspective in two recent articles. For more, see our 9/11 Teaching Guide.
Our age-appropriate classroom lessons and activities for grades K-12 aim to deepen your students' understanding of September 11 and develop their critical thinking skills. The guide, written by Morningside Center executive director Tom Roderick, also includes recommended books and other teaching...
Our age-appropriate classroom lessons and activities for grades K-12 aim to deepen your students' understanding of September 11 and develop their critical thinking skills. The guide, written by Morningside Center executive director Tom Roderick, also includes recommended books and other teaching...
This lesson asks children to watch and discuss three public service announcements by the Council on American Islamic Relations featuring Muslims who were part of the 9/11 rescue effort; consider the news about the controversy over the Cordoba Project ("Ground Zero Mosque"), and discuss a Niemoller...
Three student readings describe plans for the controversial center, multiple perspectives about it, and an overview of mosque protests in New York City and elsewhere. Suggestions for a fish bowl discussion follow.