TeachableMoment Lessons



Activities to support students' social and emotional learning and restorative practices

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Current Issues

Current Issues

Classroom activities to engage students in learning about and discussing issues in the news

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Tips & Ideas

Tips & Ideas

Guidance and inspiration to help build skills and community in your classroom and school

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Social & Emotional Learning & Restorative Practices
Current Issues
Current Issues
Tips and Ideas
Tips & Ideas

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Students consider four key issues discussed by Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the October 22, 2020 presidential debate: the Covid pandemic, healthcare, racism, and the climate

Use this chart and process to check in with students on how they're feeling and what they need throughout the school day.  

Being listened to helps human beings in profound ways. This video and set of guidelines will give you and your students a chance to practice active listening through an "equal

This is a series of video mini lessons that focus on building, developing and nourishing our communities. Each lesson starts with a game and then proceeds to a step-by-step process

Using games regularly and giving students a chance to laugh together and play is a way to build trust, confidence, and community. Here are some games you can try in your classroom

Students discuss recent cases of forced sterilization, explore the history of this horrific practice, then do some research of their own.

This lesson engages students in giving thanks for Breonna Taylor’s life, while offering space to share their impressions, feelings, experiences, and thoughts around the tragic

Students learn about the growing effort to acknowledge the Indigenous people whose lands we inhabit - and create their own land acknowledgment statement.

What are the obstacles to a smooth and fair election in November 2020, and how might they be overcome? Students read about, discuss, and research the question.

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Students discuss the land where they live, and the Indigenous peoples who once lived there. Then they get to know each other by reflecting on four aspects of their lives, using

A collection of community building activities, SEL Tips, games, and lessons on self-care to get your year off to a good start.  

Being listened to helps human beings in profound ways. If listening exchanges are happening regularly, and with fidelity, there will be enough space for students to begin to really

Students explore the debate over the U.S.'s rising military budget and where young people stand on the issue.

These practices can help both young people and adults stay grounded when anxiety arises. 

Students dive into a new report documenting how little the very rich are taxed - and what that might mean for the rest of us.